Lesson 1: The first internet security measure our Pro Web Designer wants you to know is that on any computer system you NEVER use the administrator account online. Always keep your admin account separate from the guest account you should be using when online. The admin account should only be accessed when making changes to the system. Everyday use should be done from a guest account. This keeps hackers out of your administration privileges if they track you online. https://www.maketecheasier.com/why-you-shouldnt-use-admin-account/
Lesson 2: No internet security company or virus protection company calls you. Neither does the IRS, Social Security, or Medicare. If you receive a call like this it is Hackers online try to get your personal information or get you to download a program to remotely control your computer. HANG UP THE PHONE IMMEDIATELY! This is called Ransomware. They will lock you out of your computer and ask you for money to let you back in. More info from federal trade commission here: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/2019/03/protect-yourself-against-medicare-scams
IRS and Social Security Fraud link to IRS .gov- https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/taxpayers-should-be-on-the-lookout-for-new-version-of-ssn-scam
Lesson 3: NEVER do computer restoration or repairs with someone over the phone! If you do get locked out, It does not take more than a day or two for our Pro Website Designer to get into a locked out computer and recover the data. DO NOT let a computer repair shop keep your computer or charge you based on the amount of data to recover. This price should be based on the days worked not on how valuable your business or personal files and pictures are worth to you! Make sure you meet the person who will be going through your valuable data and that the price is reasonable. Do not let ANYONE hold a price tag over your head from your personal or business data! R.G.M. can recover passwords and data then restore your system back to functional condition with free anti virus. AVG is a great free anti virus protection program and you can find it here at this link if you need it for your computer. https://www.avg.com/en-ww/homepage#pc
Unfortunately in today's technological world there are many people who are trying to dishonestly infiltrate our computers, cell phones, and personal information. The CEO of Strategic Integrated Consulting LLC understands the frustrations clients have when they have been hacked and locked out of their business or personal computer. We offer a recovery service for CPU units that may have been effected by this ongoing problem of ransomware and tracking programs that cause people problems. In just one day we can visit with you in person, get into your computer, recover your important files, and restore your system to be safe and functional again. The consultation is free and if we cannot help you then their is no charge of the flat rate fee. We do not base our fee on the amount of information you need to have recovered. We are trying to help people get back into their systems and restore their business, personal, and valuable files. We then instruct and teach you on how to stay safe online, set you up with free anti virus protection and VPN options for safer internet access. Please give us a call if you need assistance or even to have free consultation on how to make your business, personal, and family computers safer online. The consultation of internet security and safety is free so call today!
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